Bonus Days and Severe Weather Policy Update
March 1, 2015
Hello Boot Campers,
We experienced a lot of back to back days of bad weather in the past month of Feb 2015, so I just wanted to send out a reminder about our Bonus Days listed on the Location page of the site and an updated Severe Weather Policy.  Please see below:
I. Bonus Days
All classes are 4 days per week (3 primary days and 1 extra bonus day) and the bonus classes are extra free classes built into the regular schedule in advance in case of the need for make up classes for holidays, extreme weather, etc... The classes were, initially, 3 days per week, and we decided to add the additional 4th bonus day to all classes in the Spring of 2013 (at no additional cost) to make up for any and all planned holiday breaks and unexpected emergency cancellations.
With this we added 50 extra classes per year to each and every class at no additional cost to alot for class cancellations. In the past 6 years of business we have only canceled classes a maximum of 15 times in a year which also includes all holiday breaks along with the 2 week break during the Christmas and New Year break. We added the bonus days in advance due to severe weather conditions during the winter and for holidays.  So, instead of waiting to try to coordinate days and indoor space for make-up classes we decided to add these days in advance to ensure that we had indoor space and instructors for these missed days.  Plus, we wanted to give you more days as make-ups then we would ever need to miss.  So, we added over 3 to 4 times additional classes than we would ever need to miss.   
The good thing is that we usually experience the worst weather in Jan and Feb which is when we have most cancellations due to bad weather.  Outside of the freezing rain that is coming down today we should start to see some much warmer weather going into March which is when we start getting outside more for some Fun Runs!!!!
We appreciate your patience during this time, and we thank you for your commitment and long-term perspective.
II.  Severe Weather Policy Update
Normally, we follow the weather policy of the public schools within each area. If the schools are closed due to severe weather then we would cancel class.  The problem is that the schools wait too long sometime and too late to announce their closures. 
So, moving forward we will make a judgement call the day before if we feel that the weather will be too severe to travel to and from class.  If it is too severe we will announce the cancellation of classes via this newsletter and on the Home page of our site. 
If the public schools in your area (county/city) announce closures or delays due to severe weather then we will not have class.  Some locations do not use schools for indoor space during the winter but we will still follow the public school policy for safety if they announce closures or delays.  We will just make announcements the night or day before instead of waiting for the 430am to 530am news report.
If the schools are delayed for 2 hours in the morning due to severe weather we still have to follow the same policy as if they are canceled.  Many of our indoor facilities follow the same schedule as the schools in their county for cancellations due to severe weather.  They close down because of the danger of someone incurring an injury on their premises or in their parking lots due to black ice or unplowed snow.  Some locations are still opened but we follow the same system as all other classes for uniformity.  This keeps everyone safe from harm, and prevents any miscommunications. 
We still ask that you check your local news station, first, before leaving home to see if there are any last minute public school closures or delays in your area.  If necessary we will announce any and all cancellations as soon as we are able, and this information will be listed at the top of the Home page of our site.
This system has worked very well for us since we started the program in February 2009.  The safety of our members and instructors come first, so that we are are all able to stay on this path without harm.  I know the winter months can be frustrating, but this too shall pass.
Thank you for reading.
Clarence Duhart
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