Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and School

November 2015
Your Family, Our Family, His Family
Sunday Divine Service
Divine Service 9:00 - Sunday School 10:15
Midweek Bible Study with supper
Wednesday at 6:00 (supper served) 6:45 Study begins

Pastor's Corner


Much could be said about thanksgiving and prayer, in fact, much has been said of these two subjects.  But as we enter this season of thanksgiving and reflection on another year almost past, it is good too that we reflect upon prayer.
If you notice, we always begin every meeting, Bible Study, or other event in the church with prayer; because it is good that we should pray.  Psalm 50:15 says: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you will honor Me.”  The Lord our God not only demands prayer, but enjoys hearing from you, His child.  The only manner in which I can explain it and the only manner in which you can understand is if you’re a parent.  When a child, especially an adult child, asks for help a parent is honored, the parent feels valued and worth something. 
Our Heavenly Father is no different.  He feels honored when we ask Him for things, when we place our trust and faith in Him to provide for us His children.  And, just like a parent, He doesn’t require or want anything in return.  Psalm 50 states earlier, in verse 9 and following, “I have no need of a bull from your stall or goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills…for the world is mine, and all that is in it.”  Our Lord is God and He has no need of anything we can give to Him. 
How do we pray?  One of the great early Church “Fathers,” a scholar named Tertullian, said, “no prayer should be made without kneeling, and the remaining customary marks of humility; for (then) we are not only praying, but deprecating, and making satisfaction to God our Lord.”  Yet we know that God will hear us no matter what our posture; just as we know that we truly receive Christ’s Body and Blood at the Lord’s Table whether we are kneeling or not.  Showing humility in the face of God is a good thing, but not commanded or necessary to receive His grace.

Where do we pray?  The place is not important, although in a church seems natural.  Martin Luther writes, “Thus it is not the stones, the construction, and the gorgeous silver and gold that make a church beautiful and holy; it is the Word of God and sound preaching.  For where the goodness of God is commended to men and hearts are encouraged to put their trust in Him and to call upon God in danger, there is truly a holy church.  Whether it is a dark nook or a bare hill or a barren tree, it is truthfully and correctly called a house of God and a gate of heaven, even though it is without a roof, under the clouds and the open sky. Therefore one must pay primary attention to the character of the teaching and prayer, not to the character of the building.  What God demands is that people be converted and He be glorified, but this is achieved solely through the Word and prayer.”

When should we pray?  Again Tertullian, “nothing at all has been prescribed, except clearly to pray at every time and every place.”  For God is with us and will never abandon us.  Romans 8:38-39 states so beautifully, “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  He is there to answer our prayers whenever we address Him.

So why do we pray?  We pray because we are commanded to do so as stated earlier in Psalm 50.  But the other obvious reason is to say thank you to God for all of the great gifts that He provides to us.  Not only the “First Article” gifts of all your physical members and your reason and senses, not to mention the clothing, shoes, food, drink, house, home, wife, children, land, animals and all you have.  But even more importantly for the “Second Article” gift of redemption by His only begotten Son, Jesus.  And we are thankful for the “Third Article” gifts of being gathered, enlightened, and sanctified into the one true faith.

At Holy Trinity, the gifts of God abound! Your Deacons lead us in prayer every morning via e-mail, and we ask God to care for all of us, and especially those with great needs. The gifts of God are especially evident this year when we spend our very first Thanksgiving in our new home. God has provided and has gathered many more into His flock.  We will celebrate the additions to our family this year on November 22, with a Thanksgiving Feast in honor of all our new members that have come to join us this year in our new home.

Yes, there is lots to be thankful for, and there is lots to pray for.  So, hold this thought at this marvelous season of the year, and all year, “pray, praise, and give thanks!”

--Pastor Borcher


On a Personal Note -

To all the members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: Gayle and I would like to express our deepest appreciation and love for all of you!  The notes of appreciation, gifts, words of support, and prayers from all of you during "Pastor appreciation month" in October were humbling to say the least.  The meal and fellowship on October 25, was spectacular! A simple thank you doesn't seem to convey the deep love that we feel for all of you and for the support you have given to us over the last 7 and half years! (is it really that long!?) God bless us every one!


A Message from the Council -

To all committee members - Don't forget the Holy Trinity Leadership retreat being held on Saturday Nov 7. Check your email for details. Contact Marty if you have any questions at martinhing@msn.com or 801-541-2063.

Have you completed your Time and Talents survey?  If not, here is your opportunity!  This is a great way to share the gifts God has given you. 


Lutheran Women's Missionary League

LWML ladies will meet Thursday, November 5th at 7pm to work on mission bracelets for MOST! (Mission Outreach Short Term)

A big thank you to everyone who "became a missionary" on LWML Sunday by placing your donation in the mite box!  Thanks also for supporting your local LWML by purchasing yummy things at our bakesale!


November Birthdays

Martin Hing  - 3
Paul Patterson - 6
Bradley Dillenburg - 15
Glenn Kiel - 27
Crystal Perry - 30

 Thanksgiving -
Luncheon will be served November 22 following Sunday School/Bible Study (approx 11:30).  Bring a side dish to share.  Turkey will be provided by the Evangelism Committee.

Service to be Wednesday November 25 - 7:00 PM

Reformation Rally
A huge thank you to all who came out to celebrate at the Reformation Rally with us.  We had a great turnout with a lot of fun, fellowship and food.  Congratulations to Katie Stanton who won the Chili Cookoff and Megan and Erik Lindbloom who won the Best Trunk award! 

Donation Options -

Every year, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and School anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year.

If you need a convenient way to make a recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions.

To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at holytrinityut.org and locate the Online Giving button OR use the QR scan code below.  If it's easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office.

These are extra ways to give money to help the CLC

Does your employer do matching funds for education?  It's an easy way to double your giving.  Check with your Human Resources to see if this is an option.

Box Tops for Education -

We collect Box Tops For Education for the CLC.  There is a box by the front door.  Simply deposit the Box Tops in the box and we can earn money from them!


From soup, cereal and snacks to dairy products, beverages and food storage – your kitchen’s probably full of eligible Labels for Education® items. Get clipping and start earning free stuff for your school!



My Coke Rewards -

Did you know that you can donate your MyCoke Rewards points to Cononcordia Learning Center?  You can bring your MyCoke Rewards codes to the school and we will take care of it for you.

Printer Cartridge Recycling -

Do you have used printer cartridges that you don't know what to do with?  Bring them into the school and we can get money recycling them!  "One mans garbage is another's fortune!"

downloadlink   Time Talents Survey 2015.pdf ( 292K) 

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