Tracey Eakin
Plant-Based Nutrition Counselor

February 2014

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Saboteurs of our Sleep


It is not uncommon to experience difficulty sleeping from time to time, but if this condition becomes chronic, there are two common culprits that may be mischievously tampering with your natural rhythms.  Interestingly, there are also many other reasons to avoid these two offenders: caffeine and alcohol.

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Putting Out the Fire:
The Role of Diet on
Dinner Seminar

65 people attended our dinner seminar on the role of diet on inflammation and the role of inflammation on chronic disease.  If you were unable to attend, you can view our seminar at the following link.  It is the video in the upper right hand corner:


Adonis Cake

From Rip Esselstyn

This is an incredibly easy chocolate cake recipe.  It is very tasty but I will warn you that the cake does not turn out as light and fluffy as a cake made by a bakery.  It is denser but still delicious.

The frosting can also be used as a pudding and as such, needs a little time to thicken before being placed on the cake.  It will also thicken while on the cake, but you may have a little run off of the sides and onto your cake plate.

If you want to make a two-layer cake like the one shown in the picture above, just double the cake and frosting.

Cake Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cake Bake Time: 30 minutes
Frosting Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Cake Ingredients:

1 ½ cups whole wheat flour
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2/3 cup pure maple syrup
6 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup cold water

Frosting Ingredients:

1 12-ounce package of silken tofu
¾ cup dairy-free, semisweet chocolate chips, melted
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Set out a 9"x9" nonstick cake pan.  In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, cocoa, and baking soda and mix well.  Add the maple syrup, applesauce, vinegar, vanilla, and water and mix well to combine.

Pour the batter into the cake pan.  Bake for 30 minutes.

While the cake is cooking, make the frosting (see below).

When the cake is done, remove it from the oven and set aside to cool.  When cooled, frost with the frosting.

Place the silken tofu in a food processor.  Add the melted chocolate chips to the food processor and blend.

Add the vanilla and blend until chocolaty and creamy.  Taste at this stage; if using grain-sweetened chips, you may want to add some maple syrup.

Use immediately or refrigerate until ready to use.

For a sweet and spicy frosting, add a pinch of cayenne pepper.

The frosting can be used as a pudding as well.  After preparing it, pour it into glasses, layer with sliced fruit, and refrigerate until ready to serve. 


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Please help me to expand the reach of my message.  People have the right to know about the powerfully protective effect of plants and the incredibly dangerous impact of animal products on their health so that they can make informed decisions in the best interest of themselves and their families.

Girl Scout Cookies...


In the attached article, some Girl Scout cookie favorites go through "veganization".  Click on the following link to find out how to make your own versions of Tagalongs, Samoas, and Thin Mints!


Since I talk about the dangers of alcohol in my article above, I thought it timely to mention a new statement recently issued.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, the World Health Organization body tasked with collating the totality of the evidence as to whether or not something causes cancer, has concluded that ALL alcoholic beverages are to be considered carcinogenic to humans.

This classification as carcinogenic is due to acetaldehyde, the first and most toxic ethanol metabolite.  In our saliva, ethanol is oxidized by microbes into acetaldehyde.  Carcinogenic concentrations of acetaldehyde are produced instantly from holding a teaspoon of hard liquor in our mouth for 5 seconds, even if we spit it out.  The exposure lasts for about 10 minutes.  Even mouthwashes that contain alcohol can cause a carcinogenic spike.

Women who consume alcohol chronically have an increased risk for breast cancer that is dose dependent but without threshold (meaning that there is no level of alcohol consumption that does not increase risk at least a little).  Nearly 5,000 breast cancer deaths per year may be attributable to just light drinking, up to 1 drink per day.

Alcohol consumption does have a J-shaped cardiovascular risk curve, with benefits seen at about 1 drink per day.  However, considering the upward sloping cancer risk curve, a more prudent approach to cardiovascular health, which would practically eliminate your risk, would be the adoption of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle.

Sources:, Breast Cancer and Alcohol: How Much is Safe?, 5/6/13 and 11/28/13

5/6/13 Video


Lifestyle WoRx

Treating the Cause

Lifestyle WoRx is a cutting edge lifestyle program which utilizes a multi-faceted approach to wellness, with dietary excellence the cornerstone of the program.

A low/no-fat, whole food, plant-based lifestyle has been shown to prevent, arrest, and depending upon the condition, reverse, the chronic, degenerative diseases plaguing our society.

This program is brought to you by Cynthia G. West, MD and Tracey Eakin, Plant-Based Nutrition Counselor.

If you are evaluating the need or seeking assistance to improve your lifestyle and how you feel, let us help you to "treat the cause" and reclaim a vibrant, healthy life.

To register for our program or for additional information, contact Tracey at or 724.469.0693.

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