1. Amazon Gift Card is Now Accepted 2. Added: Playstation Now 3. Added: UnblockUS VPN 4. Added: HideMyAss VPN
FROM IZZUDRECOBA's DESK We're living in bold new age for entertainment. It's no longer about what we can catch on cable, but what we can see on streaming.
Streaming culture has exploded in Malaysia and around the world in recent years with the subscription services like Netflix and Hulu and with the introduction of set-top boxes, apple/android devices and high speed broadband.
With our inaugural newsletter in 2015, we aim to engage our loyal customers - streaming news, and new product offer.
A streaming revolution has begun! -
Chief Editor
What Is Streaming? Streaming is just a cool, hip way to describe the act of watching TV and film over an internet connection instead of watching via traditional cable or on BluRay or DVDs.
So, How Can I ‘Stream’? There are tons of ways that you can stream content. You can subscribe to streaming services like Netflix or Hulu, or pay as you go with services like Vudu, Google Play and iTunes. All you really need is a good internet connection (above 2 Mbps) and DNS/VPN to unblock the service outside the US.
Where Am I Supposed To Do This Streaming? Do I Need A Fancy Device? You can stream on any device that picks up the internet. So, you can stream your favorite shows and movies on your desktop computer, laptop, PS4, Apple TV, Roku, iPad or smartphone. Yes, you can watch your favorite show on your
So, Why Is Streaming TV Better Than Watching It On Cable? Quite frankly, it’s way more convenient. Streaming puts you in the position to choose when and how you watch your favorite shows. You can pause in the middle of a scene on your TV, get up, take your iPad into your bedroom and continue watching where you left off. Streaming also makes bingewatching and rewatching shows easier than ever because you don’t have to wait a full week for the next episode to air.
Well, I Still Like Watching TV On My TV. It’s Got A Bigger Screen Than My Phone. Can I Stream On My TV? Yes! There are a number of devices like PS4, Roku players, Apple TV or ChromeCast that exist to help you stream content over the internet onto your TV.
Okay, I Bought A Roku (or Apple TV) and Set It Up. Now What? Both Roku and Apple TV have a plethora of “channels” that you can access like Netflix, Hulu or HBOGo. Say you want to stream content via Netflix. You’re going to want to make sure you have a streaming subscription with Netflix. Subscribe from us!
Okay, Streaming Sounds Awesome. Where Does Izzudrecoba Come In? Izzudrecoba is here to help. We’re going to help you cut through the clutter to help you figure out what you want to watch and where you can stream it. Think of us as your streaming BFF.