Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute®

Innovative Approaches to Counseling and Change™

Mindful Recovery


Group Information

The Mindful Recovery Group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm over the course of eight weeks. Group membership requires a meeting with one of our trained group facilitators ahead of time to ensure  the appropriateness of fit for each group member as well as for the group as a whole.


Each Mindful Recovery Group is limited to eight participants per series in order to support continuity and safety among the group members. One series of groups is offered each quarter of the year with start dates in:

  • January
  • April
  • July, and
  • October

Registration Information

The next Mindful Recovery Group begins April 17, 2013 and goes through June 5, 2013. The group meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm for 1.5 hours.

The cost for the group is $360.00 for the series of 8 groups or $45.00 per group - with some financial assistance available. Because the group size is limited, participants accepted into the group are asked to pay for the whole series and not per group, though payment plans can be established.

For more information or to set up an informational session with one of our Mindful Recovery Group Facilitators, please contact us at:

  • 303-399-9988 x 606

The Mindful Recovery Group is facilitated in an easy and engaging  style that encourages honest sharing and sincere collaboration. We hope you will give us a call if you are interested or will share this information with someone who might be.

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Mindful Recovery:

An Eight Week Relapse Prevention Group

Mindful Recovery is a relapse prevention educational group based on the principles of the Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) curriculum developed by Sarah Bowen, Neha Chawla, and Alan Marlatt out of the University of Washington. MBRP is a very effective recovery program that integrates powerful mindfulness and meditation skills with best practices in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and strong relapse prevention techniques supported by ongoing research.


Mindful Recovery offers an eight-week, ongoing educational format that is designed to help group participants develop a new relationship with addictive behaviors through mindfulness practices. Group members can attend just one series of the eight sessions or repeat them as often as they would like.


Mindful Recovery provides an open, engaging, and non- judgmental place for group members to learn new skills and practice them while receiving important support and feedback from group facilitators and other group members. Some of the skill-based outcomes of this group include:

  • Developing new tools for working with cravings
  • Focusing on preventing relapse behaviors and the thinking associated with those behaviors
  • Empowering greater choice making that leads to new, more rewarding outcomes in life
  • Practicing effective exercises that can be used at home, work, and daily life
  • Integrating this material into other relapse prevention approaches including step-work, abstinence-based, and harm reduction-based models of recovery

Mindful Recovery is not designed to be an intervention for people who are actively using or abusing drugs, alcohol, or behaviors, but it is a place for people who are in early to middle recovery or who are looking for an aftercare program to support their early recovery work.



"Recovery begins by embracing our pain and taking the risk

to share it with others. We do this by joining a group

and talking about our pain."

- John Bradshaw, Addiction Counselor and Educator


Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute®

Innovative Approaches to Counseling and Change™

190 East 9th Avenue, Suite #290 | Denver Colorado 80203-2744


303-399-9988 x 901 | |


downloadlink   Flyer-Mindful Recovery-Color.pdf ( 854K)