FAQ about Assessments!

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9 Tuesday Year End Family Viewing
11 Thursday Year End Family Viewing
16 Last Tuesday before Summer Break
18 Last Thursday before Summer Break

15 Deadline for Returning Members to re-register for September 2015

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We encourage you to join our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Wings-Gymnastics-Society/191630029284 and follow us on Twitter.

REGISTRATION WILL GO LIVE in mid-JUNE - stay tuned!!!


Any child wishing to go into:

1. Mighty Mights
2. Super Heroes Boys - this is for Thursdays only
3. Interclub
4. Acro - Boys
5. Competitive - Junior Olympics Program

For more information on these programs please see below or refer to:

We are looking for your assistance in making sure that we do not miss anyone who wishes to be assessed for our advanced programs next season. We ask for you to email us the following information:

Child's name
Group you wish them to be ***assessed for
** please be certain that you are able to make the commitment for the group before being assessed.


Having an assessment does not guarantee there will be a spot for your child - but it will help us determine your child's readiness or to have a plan for their future gymnastics needs.

No assessments are required for Active Start, Fun, Fitness and Fundamentals, Skillbuilders, Movement Essentials for Boys, Youth.
How gymnasts are grouped within these categories will be determined by coach evaluations and many factors come into play on top of age, skill, group dynamics.

If your child is in the process of moving from Active Start to Fun, Fun to Skill, Skill to Youth - you are unsure what to do, speak to your coach, speak to Jessica and once you have determined this, then proceed with your registration when we go LIVE mid-June.

We want to make sure that your children find the spot best suited for them -  if their assessment fails to meet your expectations, please speak with Jessica who will discuss all the options and provide further recommendations. As parents, we want also the best for our children but we also have to respect the child's needs over our own. We have qualified coaches and a very approachable Head Coach whose main focus is each child's development in this sport.

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Acro-Boys (8+ yrs)
Mostly focusing on trampoline and floor work, the main objective of this program is to introduce and develop saltos and off-axis tricks for boys with previous gymnastics experience interested in basic stunting. Each athlete will be challenged at his level and will develop more difficult skills at his own pace. Coaches will ensure a safe and positive learning environment. Boys interested in this group can request to be assessed in June.
*6:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.     3 hrs/week      Acro-Boys - Tuesday      $475.00
*6:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.     3 hrs/week      Acro-Boys - Thursday     $475.00

Interclub GIRLS (8+ yrs)
This program expands the opportunities for athletes at the recreational level. It provides the chance to be part of a team, learn and master routines and perform in up to 3 meet-type events for recreational athletes of all abilities. Interclub promotes a creative environment that does not follow traditional competitive gymnastics. Gymnasts interested in this group can request to be assessed in June. Athletes must attend at least 2 meets each year. Meet fees are the responsibility of the individual family and cost approximately $95 each. Team body suit and track jacket is required and costs approx. $185. 
6:00 p.m.  9:00 p.m.      6 hrs/week           Interclub - Tuesday/Thursday      $761.25

Mighty Mights for Girls(8+ yrs)
This program is designed to prepare young gymnasts for the competitive stream of artistic gymnastics. The focus is on safe and progressive strength, flexibility and skill building. Depending on readiness, athletes may take part in 1 to 3 meets to help acquire competition experience. Gymnasts interested in this group can request to be assessed in June. Meet fees are the responsibility of the individual family and cost approximately $135 each. Team body suit and tracksuit is required and costs approx. $235. 
5:30 p.m.  8:00 p.m.    5.5 hrs/week        Mighty Mights - Tuesday/Sat   $708.75
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. @TAG

Super Heroes for Boys (8+ yrs)
This program is designed to prepare young male gymnasts for the competitive stream of men’s artistic gymnastics. The focus is on safe and progressive strength, flexibility and skill building. Depending on readiness, athletes may take part in an in-house or Inter-club event to help acquire competition experience. Gymnasts interested in this group can request to be assessed in June. 
5:30 p.m.  8:00 p.m.    2.5 hrs/week        Super Heroes -Thursday  $472.50

Competitive Team (8+ yrs)
This is the most advanced level of gymnastics offered at Wings. The training in this program is intense and disciplined, however maintains a positive learning environment for all. Gymnasts train from September onwards for competitions which start in March. Depending on their readiness to compete the required routines at their level on all four apparatus gymnasts are required to attend 3 of the 5 competitions each year, and those qualifying for the Provincial Championships must attend. The success of this group relies heavily on parent and coach support. Meet fees are the responsibility of the individual family and are approximately $135 each. A team body suit (approx. $85 -$150) and track suit (approx. $150) are required. Floor routine (customized choreography) for athletes Levels 6 and up is also the responsibility of each gymnast – usually a new routine  is provided every 2 years.
5:30 p.m.   8:30 p.m. Tues/Thurs   10.5 hrs/week     Competitive - Tues/Thurs/Sat      $1207.50
1:30 p.m.   6:00 p.m. 

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Carol                       carol@wingsgymnastics.com
Jessica                   jessica@wingsgymnastics.com 
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