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spacer (1K) Happy Halloween at Wings!
Newsletter: October 2014 - E-Bulletin # 4
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If you missed your other e-bulletins, please make sure you subscribe to receive your updates. A copy is on our website at and also on our Club's Facebook page.

Yes...We will celebrate gymnastics this week at Wings (Oct 28 and 30 ). COSTUMES ARE OPTIONAL - no worries if your child does not come with a costume or forgets to wear one. Costumes may be worn for a parade and they should be safe to work-out in or they can be removed and kept with other belongings so as to not wreck the costume. We suggest face-painting or crazy hair! Please do not bring any weapons or props that might pose a safety hazard to the work-out or they may lose their favourite toy before the "big day"!

All fees for session one should have been submitted. I hope that those of you who have not done so, will help me out by bringing them in and in case I have forgotten to invoice you please come and see me!

If you wish to bring in your cheques for the next session you may already do so as to avoid the Christmas craziness and you know that your gymnast will be staying on to June. If you have NOT already signed up for the full season we will need to know by end of November so that we can start contacting the families on the wait-list.

Stay tuned...
Coming up will be our next club-wide event - FUNASTICS - details to come.
Please remember that due to Remembrance Day on November 11, there will be no gymnastics.
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 Club Administrator: Carol Morris -
Heach Coach: Jessica DiTomaso -

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© 2014 Wings Gymnastics Society

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