All the best wishes to all our families celebrating the holiday season. Enjoy the break and make sure time is spent with family and friends - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Tuesday December 16 and Thursday December 18 is our last week before the Winter Break.
We will be back in the gym on:
Tuesday January 6 OR Thursday January 8 for the last month in this current session.
Competitive Team - Please check with your coach and read your emails about any Christmas Break training.
To comply with our policy where one month notice is requested and required for all withdrawals, please let us know by Wednesday, December 31, 2014 if your gymnast plans to return to Wings for the second session, February - June 2014.
Please click here and fill in the online form! or you may find in on our website under Forms.
If we do
not hear from you by the deadline we will assume that you are giving up your spot and we need to know so we can start contacting the wait-listed gymnasts. If you have a sibling wishing to join us, now is also the time to confirm that you wish them to be placed if we have an available spot. Please write that in under comments.
Many of you may have already done that in September (registered for the full season); however, we ask that you confirm once again so that we capture any changes your family may have since that initial intake.
Any changes in address, telephone numbers, email addresses etc would be appreciated so we may update our records.
If you are leaving Wings, your Withdrawal notice is critical as well as your reasons for withdrawal so that we may conduct a follow-up exit
interview if needed. We have a fairly extensive waiting list, and as a non-profit organization, it is important for us to fill all vacant spots in a timely fashion. We are sorry that you are leaving, and hope that your gymnasts' time with Wings was enjoyed, and sorry that circumstances have changed for your family.
Program fee cheques for returning gymnasts (if you have not already handed them in - thanks to those of you who have done so!!) is by January 22, 2015.
Note: Our Club Administrator will be away the 2nd and 3rd week of December so DO NOT bring any cheques this time. Save it for the first week back in January,
Please post-date all cheques for either the 1st or the 15th of the month, or one cheque for the full session.
Note: page 3 of Wings Constitution/ByLaws
7. Loss of Membership.
(1) A person shall cease to be a member of the Society for: any of the following Causes, or at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
(a) Non-payment of Annual Membership Fee.
(b) Non-payment of program fees.
(c) Violation of Constitution or By-ìaws.
(d) Discipline problems -any registered gymnast who becomes a discipline problem to the coaching staff to the degree that the Head Coach recommends expulsion from the Society to the Directors; Such expulsion may include all family members.
(2) Any member who is the subject of a proposed explosion under clauses 7( I) (c) or (d) shall be given an opportuni ty to be heard at a meeting of the Board of Directors within 30 days of the proposed expulsion date.
As you are aware, positions on the Wings Board of Directors are all volunteer roles. The board meets monthly and communicates predominantly by email. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us. All board meetings are open to attendance by parents who are interested in how we operate. We are always in search for more participation and we welcome feedback and input from all parents who are members of the Wings Gymnastics Society. For a club like ours, we need to have parents who have children in the club involved.