BrainBuzz Newsletter October 2013 |

"Fantastic" Broadway Premier for Bully Prevention Month |
The delightfully engaging musical theater adaptation of my children's book, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, which was part of the Broadway Theatre’s Educational Series, kicked off National Bully Prevention Month and was "Fantastic"!
Meevillain, Mennis, and Meene skillfully performed as the treacherous
trio of bullies. Princess Shayna beautifully portrayed a middle school student who did not fit in at school until she discovered her Praiseworthy Gifts. Sigmund the Royal Wizard delightfully engaged all the children and adults in the audience, especially with his dramatic "Rimsiyavyo's!". King Alexander, Queen Sylvia, White Falcon, Sarah Spundah, and the Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange Villager Emissaries expertly shared the meaningful messages of love, devotion, and appreciation and acceptance of diversity. I was thrilled and honored by each cast member's professional performance!
Another significant message in my fairytale is: You do not have to be perfect to be loved. Not even Princess Shayna is perfect; she lives with the daily challenges of T1D (Type 1 diabetes). I was delighted that several home school mothers and their children, who have T1D; Nanette Gerst, the executive director; Barb Garrison, the outreach coordinator; and the staff members of the South Jersey Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation attended the performance!
My Blue Heart was singing while I watched my words and characters come to life on stage. Jordan and I were also overjoyed that our dear friends, Michelle and John Bracken (show in the picture above); my SLACK, Incorprated. book editors Jennifer Cahill, April Billick, and Debra Wojculewski; and Peter and Jill Slack, president and vice president of the Broadway Theatre; and last but not least, all the children, teachers, parents, and grandparents were in the audience to watch and share my long-awaited dream become an exciting and memorable reality!
I am most grateful to the Broadway Theatre Team for their support and expertise: Chuck Bennett ("Mr. Malcolm"), artistic director and producer; John Smitherman, producing artistic director; Jenifer Neiswender, Group Sales & Advertising Representative; and Darrell Blood, business manager of the Broadway Theatre!
Teacher's Activity Guide for Princess Shayna |
My apologies for not sending out a September BrainBuzz Newsletter. My Green Brain was immersed in the final drafts, edits, and revisions of the Teacher's Activity Guide for "Princess Shayna's Invisible Visible Gift."
I had to complete the Teacher's Activity Guide and book flyer for the teachers who would be attending the premier performances. |
I am happy that I was finally able to keep my word to all the teachers who generously shared the classroom activities they created while reading Princess Shayna's Invible Visible Gift with their students since the 1st edition was published in 1997. I had told each teacher that I was going to include their ideas in a book. Now, thanks to their generosity, every teacher can: |
1. Reignite their teaching and reengage their students!2. Encourage more cooperation, harmony, critical thinking, and creative problem solving in their classroom by creating a Kingdom of Kindness!3. Discover a solid foundation of life-long communication skills that go beyond the classroom; like multiplication tables, your students will never forget them!
School teachers and home school parents can teach the messages in Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift and the concepts in What Color Is Your Brain?® to help their students and children: • Achieve a greater understanding of themselves and others • Reduce and redirect bully behavior • Accept and appreciate individual
differences • Deal with life’s triumphs and tragedies
This colorful, engaging, and extensive educational Teacher’s Activity Guide is the perfect resource for teaching Social Emotional Learning for Academic Success and meeting state Common Core Standards. This time-tested companion to Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift includes: • The Princess Shayna Picture Book • 70+ Unique Classroom Activities • 3 Specific Brain Color/Village Quizzes • Bonus Gift Giver’s Guide, Vision Quest, and Villages Questions • Original Worksheets and Coloring Pages • Fun Word Lists, Games, Mind Maps, Puzzles, Diagrams, and Recipes • Helpful Classroom Activity Photos
The Teacher's Activity Guide will complement all the Brain Colors in a classroom.
The Yellow Brain content is an organized and effective addition to lesson plans.
The Blue Brain content is the perfect complement for cooperative learning activities.
The Green Brain content offers precise information to create a Kingdom of Kindness in any
The Orange Brain content makes learning fun, energizing, and exciting!
Please, tell your fellow teachers, friends who are teachers, and home school parents that the Teacher's Activity Guide for "Princess Shayna's Invisible Visible Gift" is now available, with a "Look Inside" featuredand can be purchase at
Like my other books, 10% of the royalties from the sale of the Teacher's Activity Guide
will be allocated to the Juvenile Diabetes Reaseach Foundation.
Use Your Brain Colors to Say "No" |
Yes, it is hard to belive, but it is that time of year again when people are is thinking about and preparing for the holiday season. In previous blog posts and BrainBuzz Newsletters, I have shared my way of saying "No" by saying to myself and others, "That is not a healhty decision for me."
In August, I presented a What Color Is Your Brain? Program for the staff of the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD). One of their interactive group
activities was to share how they said "No" to others when they could not give them what they wanted. I thought their ideas were superb and wanted to share a few of them with you. To respect their privacy, I have modified their comments. |
Yellow Brainers say "No" by saying, "Let me help you when time allows," "It's not my responsibilty, but I can find out who can assist you," and by using a respectful approach.
Blue Brainers say "No" by saying, "Happy to help you when I am able," acknowledging the other person's idea, and by using a compassionate approach.
Green Brainers say "No" by giving alternative suggestions, offering a solution to the problem, and by using a no-frills approach.
Orange Brainers say "No" by saying "You can get the job done, just in a different way than I can," Let me see if I can help you in another way," and by using an encouraging approach.
Trick or Treat Brain Colors |
Our family looks forward to Trick or Treating in our elder son's and his family's neighborhood. We love how all the homes are decorated for Halloween and watching all the children in their costumes. Our grandchildren safely enjoy cruising down the sidewalks and venturing up the porches or steps to a display of goodies and creatures. Of course, I love analyzing all the Brain Color Personalities: Yellow Brainers, like our daughter-in-law's
friend and neighbor, have all the large-size candy neatly arranged in a large basket according to size, shape, and color.
Blue Brainers greet all the children, comment on their costumes, ask them which candy they prefer, and help them put the treat into their trick or treat bag.
Green Brainers just leave a note on the door that they are not home and to take a treat from the bowl, or they turn off their lights, do no show any signs of life, or leave their home, so they will not bedisturbed.
Orange Brainers are dressed in costumes, offer beer or wine to the accompanying parents, and tell the children to take whatever they want out of the skull or witch's hat they are holding.
Brain Color Treats
• NEW Bully Prevention School Assembly! A program has been added to my customized Programs section on my website. The Bully Prevention School Assembly helps students learn how to prevent bully behavior by recognizing, undestanding, appreciating, and accepting differences.
• NEW Characters' Back-Story! To help the actors prepare for their roles and answer the many questions people have asked me over the years, I have added an engaging, often humorous, and extensive family history Book Characters' Back-Story to the Princess Shayna Section on my website.
• In the final weeks of October and the beginning of November, I will have the opportunity and Treat to
work with several organizations that offer education and assistance to children and their families. I will be presenting a variety of What Color Is Your Brain? programs for:
1. The staff members at the Gertrude B. Nielsen Child Care and Learning Center (Team building) 2. Early childhood learning center directors, which is being hosted by Good Shepherd Center and Illinois Action for Children (Leadership)
3. Family child care providers, which is hosted by Kathryn Mueller, For Kids Sake Association, Children's Home + Aid, and Illinois Action for Children (Professional)
4. The staff members of the Community Crisis Center (Team building)
• Do you know a business, school, or organization that would benefit from a customized What Color Is Your Brain? program? If so, please email me at or call me at 847.526.9039 .
• If you enjoyed this October BrainBuzz Newsletter, please share it with your co-workers, family members, and friends by clicking on the Facebook and Twitter links below.
• Another easy way to Bluely Connected with me is to scroll up to my Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Website Links at the top of this newsletter and click the link which works best for you.
Thank you and have a Happy Brainday and Fun Halloween! Sheila |