eb . flow . design . group

Conducting Business from Home 
 An outgrown kids room finds new and official purpose as it is transformed into our client's home office. The man of the house conducts much of his business from home and needed a working space that was professional and comfortable. Purple walls received a clean looking coat of pewter gray. Existing built-ins were re-accessorized with a menagerie of items from heirloom treasures to inexpensive fun items purchased new. We reupholstered all of the furniture pieces in modern geometric prints while keeping the sofa in its original fabric to save on cost. It was the guiding force in all of our fabric selections which are now tied in handsomely. Not too bad for a sofa that erred on the side of pink!  


Before and After


 eb . flow . design . group
  elana lathan . breyan sussman 

functional . living . opulence . wow


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