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Nancy Smith Klos painting the Lan Su Chinese Garden, in Portland, from 10 stories up
The scene Klos was depicting
She Calls It 'Plein Aerial' Nancy Smith Klos is painting a garden from life, but it's from 10 stories above, from a glass-encased office in a high-rise building. She calls it "plein aerial."[read more]
A typical view in the Idaho Panhandle
My Favorite Place to Paint: Kathryn Weisberg About 50 miles from the border with Canada, Kathryn Weisberg found "one of the most beautiful places in the world." According to this painter, Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho is one of the best kept secrets in the United States.[read
Jackson Lain won Best of Show with this piece.
Meanwile, Near Lake Tahoe.... Thirty artists visited the beautiful countryside in the North Lake Tahoe region recently for the 2014 North Lake Tahoe Plein Air Open, juried by Howard Rees and Hal Slear.[read more]
"Orchard Road," by James Hempel. Best of Show
Wisconsin Juror Explains Elements Lifting Best of Show Winner The Prospect Lions Club and the Wisconsin Plein Air Painters Association hosted an event in New Berlin, Wisconsin, that pulled in some strong work. Juror Paula Swaydan Grebel shared with WIPAPA President Wendie Thompson why the top winner was chosen. [read more]
Jimmy Longacre makes a color plan like this before starting a painting. His color plans in the field are simply black-and-white pencil drawings of the color wheel, with notations.
Two Tools to Help Simplify a Painting Workshop instructors will often suggest that painters simplify a scene in order to interpret it in a plein air piece. Not only does that help with a strong design, it is often necessary because of the complexity of most views. Jimmy Longacre recently discussed some of the ways he approaches painting in a blog post, and we asked him to talk more about his early stages in a painting.[read more]
"Eastpoint 2014," by Nancie King Mertz, pastel, 14 x 18 in. Winner of the Bill Creevy Award for Innovative Pastel in the Pastel Society of America's 42nd annual show
TV Show Placement and Awards for Chicago Artist Most times are busy times for artist Nancie King Mertz, who has operated a frame shop on the side since she was an art student. But things have really heated up for her lately. You can see why if you flip on your television. [read more]
"Piedra Lumbre Morning," by Patricia Rose Ford, pastel, 11 x 14 in. Best of Show
Winners in an Enchanted Land The Plein Air Painters of New Mexico are currently in the midst of their show "Enchanted Lands: Celebrating New Mexico's Public Lands," and the winners were announced at the September 6 opening reception. Who took the top prize? [read more]
"Boat Yard," by John Cook, oil, 8 x 20 in. Winner of the Best Plein Air category in the April-May contest in the PleinAir Salon
Salon Judge Seeks Paintings That Go Further In most cases, the judges of competitions have quite a few paintings that are strong in composition and execution. So what pushes the winners over the top? [read more]
"State View," by Yer Za Vue, 2014. Winner of the Quick Draw competition
Winners in Oregon Kathryn Stats served as the juror at the recent Pacific Northwest Plein Air Exhibition. Who'd she pick? [read more]
John Hulsey painting sunflowers at Grinter Farms, outside of Lawrence, Kansas.
Parting Shot: There's a Reason It's Called the Sunflower State The sunflowers are high and their big faces are bright right now, and nowhere more so than in Kansas, the Sunflower State. [read more]