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About Our Featured Artist,
Jose de Juan is an avid plein air painter, currently living in London and working at a film studio.  He will endure the unpredictable English weather and head outside rain or shine, mostly rain, any day he can. He is fascinated by the urban landscape...
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"Barges in Battersea"
8" x 10" oil on canvas, 2015.
The river Thames is an endless source of painting ideas and scenery and it has numerous corners where one can indulge in sedate moments of almost domestic charm. After all, most barges floating on the river are actual dwellings full of detail and character. This little group was moored next to a church right at the water's edge in the area of Battersea.

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"Pink Wellies, Garden Gate, Fulham Palace"
8" x 10" oil on canvas, London.
Fulham was the old residence of the Bishop of London. It is located in the middle of a busy urban area but entering the grounds is like going back in time. The Bishop's Garden is a walled little treasure and still boasts an apple orchard and vegetable garden. This painting was about capturing the interesting mass of the brick arch against the delicate greens of Spring and bloom specks. For a little more interest I added a little girl with pink boots exploring the grounds.

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