Release Rashid Abbash, Chairman of the Nubian Youth Committee Against Dams (NYCAD) who was arrested by the Sudanese security forces on 23 September 2014 and taken to a ghost house where he was tortured and transferred to the notorious prison of Kober in Khartoum North.
Up to now Mr. Abbash has not been informed about the reason behind his arrest and detention and he has been denied seeing his family members or having access to legal assistance. Nubia Project demands giving him the right to have access to legal assistance and immediate release. Mr. Rashid's publishing business has been closed. He is the
bread winner of a large family including, his wife and two children and his ailing father who is diabetic and visually impaired. He supports many children who go to schools and need his close and immediate care.
All humanitarian organizations and friends of Nubia are requested tospread the word and protest against his arrest and demand his immediate release.
Please contact:
Amnesty International:
Human Rights Watch:
Sudan Minister of Justice, Mohamed Bushara Dosa
Ministry of Justice. Address, P. O. Box 744. Khartoum, Sudan. Telephone, +249912230760