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December 30, 2014
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Nubians and friends of Nubia. We hope that year 2015 will bring good news to Nubia.

Happy New Year card to you all


An urgent Nubian message to the African American sisters and brothers  

While we are all waiting at the doors of of the New Year 2015 to open and hoping for good news to come, Last year was a bad year for Nubia which is facing a gloomy future if not reverted!!

Out of agony and distress, I would like to address this letter to our sisters and brothers, the African Americans and wish them a happy New Year and jump to the purpose of this letter. It is a crude Nubian letter. A letter of distress and anguish. Nubia in Sudan is under a vigorous attack. A systematic campaign of Arabization and assimilation is going on there. The Nubian antiquities and archaeological assets are plundered, looted, vandalized and smuggled abroad under the watch of the authorities. A Salafi Islamist is in charge of tourism and the Nubian antiquities and the Qatari government is taking care of the Nubian archaeological sites and excavations!

A statue thrown on the ground and neglected for centuries and vandalized in Nubia

On the other hand, Sudan government gave free hand and concessions to thousands of gold searchers, individuals and companies from China, Malaysia, Turkey, Russia and many other countries to rush into Nubia land looking for gold in the land of gold (Nub). Many antiques and artifacts were smuggled abroad. There are reports about suspicious trucks coming from Darfur and building these constructions which are not allowed for public to visit. Many sites are covered with huge sand walls and they are heavily guarded!! Are they secret military sites? Nubians are worried about these secret constructions and visits by helicopters and hundreds of trucks owned by Abarsi Company according to our sources. We need help.

A Chinese company in Nubia near Kidurma village.

The smuggling of precious artifacts found by gold searchers is alarming. Many artifacts were sold through advertisement by sellers on Face Book and internet. 

How can we stop this cultural genocide and save Nubia from plundering. The gold seekers are using hazardous chemicals and poisonous materials such as mercury and potassium cyanide to extract gold. Please check our web site: for more details.

Robbery of Barkal antiquities. 5 statues stolen from Barkal museum. Akher Lahza newspaper 
The mysterious arson on Nubian fruitful palm dates continues. Thousands of trees were burnt down in tens of incidents and the government did nothing to extinguish those fires!!!


We, in Nubia Project, a non-profit organization registered in Washington, DC have suggested to the Nubians in Sudan and in diaspora to build a big theater at Kajbar or Kerma where the oldest urban center in history was found.

Underground water level is increasing from Meroe Dam. More than 1000 houses were destroyed in Elburgaig area near Kerma the oldest urban center in the history. Deffufa is in danger now..

The purpose of the proposal is to let you know that your silence will expedite the destruction of Nubia. We want you to make a loud cry to attract the international attention to Nubia and help at least in constructing a humble theater in the name of the Kushite celebrity Pharaoh Taharqa  where regional and international cultural performances, festivals and gatherings can be performed to attract the international attention to what is going there in Nubia. Please see our prposal to build the Taharqa Theater at following link: Taharka Theater

Here the role of the African Americans is very important and vital. This small project can become a first step or an embryo for an African dream to reunite the Africans and we believe that the African Americans can play a pivotal role to make this project a success and a launching pad for a real African business to flourish. African Americans are in a better position to take the lead than the other Africans. The African American media, musicians, artists, and all celebrities can play an important role in opening windows of business opportunities in Africa and Nubia can be the right spring to jump from.

See if you can help to save your oldest African heritage. Your identity....

This brief message is an urgent invitation is to you our African American sisters and brothers and to all friends of Nubia to move quickly before it is too late and before Nubia is gone. Please read more about these issues in our monthly Nubia Bulletins and at our website:

Thank you.


Nuraddin Abdulmannan

President, Nubia Project

Washington, DC.

Date: December 30, 2014


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